
The 3x3x3 Challenge with Rod Baptista: How AI Can Predict Risk and Automate Underwriting for Health Insurance for Groups or Employer Groups

Chris Fisher from Benefits Ally challenges Gradient AI Sales Exec Rod Baptista to the 3x3x3 Challenge: 3 questions using 3 slides in 3 minutes! 

Rod talks about how Gradient AI's SAIL™ underwriting solution uses machine learning and AI to predict risk and automate the underwriting process for those offering health insurance to groups or employer groups.

In 3 minutes, Rod explains the 3 key components of Gradient AI's health underwriting solution:

  • new business underwriting solution to evaluate the risk of new employer groups
  • renewal solution to evaluate the risk of existing members or existing population ahead of renewal season
  • a team of in-house underwriters and actuaries who understand the business as well as the AI side of medical underwriting 

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