Artificial intelligence =
actionable insights

Artificial intelligence =
actionable insights

Group Health Solutions

Group Health Solutions for Brokers and Consultants

Quickly evaluate alternate funding options for your fully insured groups


Negotiate with insurance carriers on underwriting pricing  

Optimize stop loss considerations

Gain additional experience insights to fill in gaps of data and history

Better understand new and unknown risk resulting from mergers and acquisitions

Group health underwriting is a fiercely competitive business where speed, accuracy, and pricing drive success. The ability to discern risk at a nuanced level makes all the difference, which is why brokers and consultants partner with Gradient AI to better inform and guide their clients.

What if you could gain additional insights to plug in gaps of data and history and improve your negotiations with insurance carriers on underwriting pricing?


Now you can with the power of Gradient AI’s SAIL™ Solution for New Business and Renewal Analytics for Renewing Business.

Speak with us about Group Health Solutions

Gradient AI’s Senior Client Executive Jake Evans shares how AI solutions can help brokers and their clients better understand risk and remain competitive in today's market.

Watch now

Why Gradient AI Solutions?

SAIL™ for New Business

SAIL provides a greater level of transparency into a group's health risk, enabling brokers, consultants, and their clients to tailor group health solutions to the specific composition of the employer group.

Our SAIL™ dataset, comprised of medical, prescription, and lab data, combined with our modeling expertise, uniquely positions Gradient Al to help you:

  • understand and negotiate pricing more accurately
  • better manage your clients’ risk and reduce loss ratios
  • support your clients’ profitable growth

Renewal Analytics Solution for Renewal Business

The Renewal Analytics Solution is tailored specifically for pooled risk groups, such as PEOs, Associations, Trusts, and MEWAs and allows them to better manage their overall health plan, analyzing and managing risk to incumbent groups individually and as a block.

There are three key components:

  • Renewal Predictive Al Model provides risk predictions valuable for renewal underwriting or repricing a block of business, early identification of developing trends, and the implementation of risk management and cost containment strategies. The Renewal model utilizes your own historical medical and pharmacy claims data to develop a risk expectation for the upcoming 12 months.

  • Analytics and Reporting Dashboards provide summary and detailed views of group claims, enrollment trends, and performance metrics across factors such as industry, geography, group size, and demographics. Quickly discern underlying cost drivers for groups, members, and high-cost claimants, along with other predictive insights.

  • Rebanding Calculator provides recommendations for group-assigned risk bands, based on client- specific inputs, model predictions, and customer-defined scenarios and business rules at the time of renewal.


"We help our customers move from a reactive to a proactive state thanks to SAIL’s ability to eliminate blind spots, predict risks and uncover cost savings opportunities. By leveraging SAIL, we’re able to offer our clients a level of transparency and insights into their group health risk that was previously unattainable. As a result, we can create tailored group health solutions that meet the specific requirements of each client’s employee group."

– Vince DiBenedetto, CEO of The Provant Group 

“Prior to using SAIL, we could only look through the rear-view mirror at past claims data. Now we can look through the windshield to better predict what costs our clients can expect to incur. With the speed, quick turnaround, and insights we've gained, SAIL has more than paid for itself.”

– Aaron MacDonald, Chief Strategy Officer, Michigan Planners 


“We found that SAIL’s highly accurate risk assessment capabilities combined with its access to prescription and medical data, makes it superior to other solutions in the marketplace. SAIL enables us to turnaround quotes quickly at a competitive price for targeted groups with the confidence that we have a more complete picture of a group’s risk.”

- Bill Ashley, CEO, Allied National

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